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Women In The Mill 1943

A Brian Adams Contribution


A question was put some time ago about the population of Ocean Falls. A magazine article from September 1944 describes Ocean falls as "... a young people's town. Large numbers of single men, and in the present war years about 150 young women constitute a considerable part of the population, but most of the 2,500 people are young married couples". A directory of the town for 1950/51 lists the population as 2247 and for 1953 as 2830.

Women in the Mill - 1943
The following list of women and their occupations in the mill at Ocean Falls is prepared from an article in Pulp & Paper Magazine of Canada from August 1943. At that time the mi!! employed about 1200 people, 146 of them women. Note the significant numbers employed in airplane spruce manufacture. This wood was used to build Mosquito bombers.

Mrs. N. Adams, aeroplane spruce statistics
Miss I. Arpin, finishing room helper
Miss E. Armstrong, aeroplane spruce grading and sorting
Mrs. M.M. Arsenault, aeroplane spruce stencilling and handling
Miss M.M. Barnes, paper sample clerk
Miss S. Bates, sulphate cook's helper
Miss E.E. Benson, electrician's helper
Miss A. Bergman, sulphate cook's helper
Miss J. Besner, finishing room helper
Miss H. Bisen, aeroplane spruce lamina sorter
Miss M.B. Blair, finishing room helper
Mrs. M.M. Blane, catcher on board machine
Miss A.M. Blomberg, kraft furnish beater operator
Miss G.E. Bonvic, aeroplane spruce lamina sorter
Miss M. Boychuk, trimmer saw operator
Mrs. M. Bremner, finishing room helper
Miss D.E. Bridges, paper warehouse order assembly
Miss FJ. Bridges, news furnish mixing tank operator
Miss G. Brown, hog fuel conveyor operator
Miss E.H. Bryant, paper inspector
Miss V.J. Bryant, pulp tester
Mrs A.M. Cadorin, cutter checker
Miss L. Cadorin, cutter operator
Miss A.L. Calhoun, aeroplane spruce lamina operator
Miss L. Carswell, finishing room helper
Miss E. Carter, pulp tester
Miss F. S. Chatt, townsite painter
Mrs. M. Check, aeroplane spruce swing saw operator
Miss A. Chevilday, aeroplane spruce stencilling
Miss A.L. Christensen, bundle wrapper
Miss V. Christensen, aeroplane spruce handler
Miss P. Churchday, aeroplane spruce lamina sorter
Mrs. E. Collins, store delivery swamper

Miss D. Compton, paper warehouse order assembly
Miss B.L. Cook, finishing room helper
Miss G.M. Cook, finishing room helper
Miss D. Corpin, aeroplane spruce lamina sorter
Miss R.M. Corriel, news rewinder helper
Miss L. Groove, aeroplane spruce graders' tally girl
Miss P. Cummings, chip-bin girl
Miss C.H. DeRoos, aeroplane spruce log yield sealer

Miss A.C. Dimroll, news furnish mixing tank operator

Miss M. Dixon, news furnish mixing tank operator

Miss D. Drader, finishing room helper
Miss E. Erion, cutter checker
Miss A. Evankivich, groundwood decker operator
Miss Fantille, groundwood stock freeness tester
Miss K. Featherbay, pulp tester
Miss N. Fedyk, wrapping counter rolls
Miss K. Fitzko, aeroplane spruce edger operator
Miss A. Gable, aeroplane spruce grill sealer
Miss K.M. Gilliard, sulphate causticizing room helper
Mrs. I. Gronick, beater room helper
Miss G. Gross, aeroplane spruce handler
Miss Haaheim, finishing room helper
Miss D. Harris, groundwood stock, freeness tester
Mrs. G.L. Hayward, gas-electric hoist jitney operator
Miss T. Hepler, sulphate cook's helper
Miss E. Homicidian, paper warehouse order assembly
Miss I. Humphreys, sulphate cook's helper
Miss E.M. Intehar, finishing room helper
Miss E.V. Jackson, beater room helper
Mrs. L. Jones, paper warehouse order assembly
Miss L. Josephson, core cutter
Miss F.G. Journet, finishing room helper
Miss B.A. Keegan, finishing room helper
Miss E. Kellen, townsite painter
Miss M. Kennis, cutter checker
Mrs. W.M. Kirk, cutter checker
Mrs. M.L. Knowles, finishing room helper
Miss T. Konarski, small rewinder operator
Miss E.R. Kushner, aeroplane spruce lamina sorter
Miss L. Kyzscha, finishing room helper
Miss L.J.H. Liggatt, chip-bin girl
Miss S. Lindquist, finishing room helper
Mrs. J.E. Machell, pulp tester
Miss E. Magar, finishing room helper
Miss A.B. Maltern, aeroplane spruce grading and sorting
Miss R.G. Maravic, wrapping counter rolls
Miss J. Mascowski, groundwood decker operator
Miss E.F. Mattson, aeroplane spruce handler
Miss I. Maxwell, paper warehouse order assembly
Mrs. M.M. McCausland, aeroplane spruce statistics
Miss I. McDonald, groundwood stock freeness tester
Miss L.C. McKeller, groundwood stock freeness tester
Miss G. Miron, Cameron winder helper
Miss 0. Monkman, aeroplane spruce lamina sorter
Miss B. Morris, sulphate evaporator operator
Miss D.M. Morris, chip-bin girl
Miss E. Muirhead, core cutter helper
Miss I. Nicholas, finishing room helper
Mrs. F. Olynyk sulphate cook's helper

Miss L Ost, hog fuel conveyor operator
Miss P. Palmer, hog fuel conveyor operator
Miss C.J. Payne, paper warehouse order assembly
Miss M.M. Pieschel, finishing room helper
Mrs. K.L. Robson, aeroplane spruce statistics

Miss P.M. Rogers, news furnish mixing tank operator

Miss H. Romer, aeroplane spruce grading and sorting

Mrs. K. Rormberger, aeroplane spruce carriage dogger
Miss Sachinaki, kraft furnish beater operator
Miss J. Sain, aeroplane spruce lamina sorter
Miss E. Samoniuk, aeroplane spruce lumber trimmer saw operator
Mrs. D. Saucier sulphate cook's helper
Miss A. Shartner, aeroplane spruce lamina sorter
Mrs. E. Sheffler, finishing room helper
Miss H. Shiplack, finishing room helper
Miss H. Smith, counter roll wrapper
Mrs. M. Smith, sulphate cook's helper
Mrs. E. Spence, finishing room helper
Miss E.V. Stade, aeroplane spruce carriage dogger
Miss C. Stewart, Yankee paper machine helper
Miss 0. Stradiski, kraft furnish beater operator
Miss E.G. St. Onge, aeroplane spruce monorail operator
Miss Y. St. Onge, in charge aeroplane spruce lamina sorting
Mrs. T. Svienson, aeroplane spruce stencilling and handling
Mrs. J. Tasek, sulphate cook's helper
Miss 0. Taylor, hog fuel conveyor operator
Miss E. Teggin, aeroplane spruce carriage dogger
Miss E. Vesa, aeroplane spruce grading and sorting

Miss E.B. Viberg, aeroplane spruce carriage dogger
Miss H.M. Walker, aeroplane spruce grading and sorting

Miss J Walsh, news furnish mixing tank operator
Mrs. J.V. Weber, paper warehouse order assembly
Miss K. Wenger, chip-bin girl
Mrs. A.M. Wilkins, news rewinder helper
Mrs. J. Williams, finishing room office
Miss M. Williams, steam plant statistics
Miss O.P. Williamson, pulp tester
Miss R.S. Zajak, trimmer saw spruce marker

Miss E.T. Zboya, sulphate cook's helper


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This Site Built And Maintained By:

Bradley SaintJohn

1st Grandson of Millie and John Fair Owners of C&F Radio Ocean Falls BC