The Slide in Ocean Falls '65

Newspaper Clipping Above From The Millie & The John Fair Collection
by JOHN (Alexander) FAIR
April 23, 1908 - Feb 6, 1975
This winter has been very hard on our town of Ocean Falls. November was
a poor month weather wise. In December we had a bit of everything the
weatherman could give us. Snow, Rain, Freezing rain and more snow. New
Years Eve in Martin Valley Ocean Falls was a real blizzard, as I
remember, about 12" of snow fell that night. This snow continued almost
without let-up, so that Jan 10, when Bill Butendyke came out to shovel
off our roof we had a possible 4 ft., on the level and to Bills
shoulders on the valley side where the wind had drifted it. We covered
the front of the house with 3/4" - 4'X8' sheets of plywood so we would
be able to get into the house after the roof was cleared, as the walks
at both sides of the house had about 6' to 7' of snow after the roof was
Mon, & Tue., the 11 & 12 were nice days but more snow.
On Monday I had been telling Milly about the possibility of slides etc.,
and decided to test out our Radio Phone on battery to make sure all was
o.k. in case of an emergency.
On Tuesday. Jan. 12, I had a call from Jim Greg, concerning radio links
between Ocean Falls and Martin Valley. I told Jim that I had already
tested the equipment out, and it was o.k. He asked me if I would have a
meeting with Mr. Hill and himself to discuss emergency phone procedures,
in case of any trouble on the Martin Valley road or Martin Valley
community. The meeting was held at 10 am. Wednesday, I informed Hill &
Greg that the radio equipment had been tested and Rita had instructions
to remove the Radio Equipment from My C&F Radio Shop, and set up in the
Ocean Falls Fire Department for connection to our house in Martin
Valley. At this point I may add we had a radio set in the shack at the
aircraft dock as well.
That night, Wednesday we started to have slides of snow and water quite
early in the evening. I had a battery at home that I had Frank
McCarville send to me from the shop on the bus, that day, so set up the
G.C.R, early. The slides out here (Martin Valley) continued during the
early evening but not any worse than we have experienced in the past. At
about 9:30, I said to Milly, I'm going to bed but felt I was to nervous
and wouldn't sleep anyway.
I had just gone to bed when at 9:45, the lights went out. On checking
the phone, found that dead as well. By this time the slides in Martin
Valley were louder and more frequent than we had ever heard before. We
kept calling on the radio but no answer from Ocean Falls. I walked
across the river to see if the lights were on in Ocean Falls and as near
as I could tell, in the heavy rain and mist, they were on. At this time
I could not understand why we had not heard from them, we knew the road
was closed by slides, but had no idea of the trouble in Ocean Falls.
When I got back in the house I found there was still no answer from
Ocean Falls (Enquiries from M.V.F.D., etc.)
At 11:30 approx, Lou Bliss called, and you have no idea how glad we were
to hear him. Lou Bliss, Junior Unrow and Phil Watson went by boat to the
Airplane Dock, broke in and removed the equipment from the Airplane Dock
and proceeded to the slide area, crawled by the slide to C&F Radio and
again breaking in, procured the other set. These were installed in Ocean
Falls Fire Dept and Townsite office giving radio contact between the two
isolated points.
This was the first we knew of the big slide. Now we had a continuous
stream of messages, mainly locating or trying to locate people who might
be in Martin Valley or Ocean Falls or in buildings demolished in the
slide area. What a relief when you find that your friends who usually
work on Wednesday Evening, had changed their plans and had gone home to
bed early. (Morgan and Buchanan).
From now till morning I could not quote any times. We asked Lou about
C&F He said all was OK. This was very puzzling to us. Doug Diggins was
injured jumping out of his apartment and Buchanans & Ocean Falls Credit
Union was wiped out. This took the slide on both sides of C&F. and the
original course of the creek was between Diggins and C&F Radio. A short
while later Lou called and told us there was another slide (a small
one), C&F still was OK. This will always be a mystery how we could
escape the slide-when the main bed of the creek was 20 ft, from our back
door. We had no damage from this slide.
The one thing we all wanted in Martin Valley or Ocean Falls was
daylight. It is a terrible feeling when you can't see. After midnight
the slides stopped and the silence was almost as bad as the slides, I
said to Milly, "Either the snow up there is gone or we have a big dam
and the worst is yet to come". But, no more slides that night. We stayed
up all night and our home was the clearinghouse for messages to all who
In losing the power we lose our water as well, also the slides took out
the phone lines. Thurs, A.M. remains in my mind, in messages in regards
to getting out the Village Queen, a nickname for a gas engine powered
pump that is procured from Ocean Falls to fill our local water tank in
cases like this. Also messages in regards to gas engine operated A.C.
Power unit to supply power to local Fire Dept. The Village Queen was
brought out on Spellmans barge but we had no way of unloading at Oil
Dock. I suggested that Northland Prince bring out the generator and
unload at Oil Dock and the same time unload the Village Queen. After a
bit of negotiation back and forth this was accomplished. Standard Oil
dock had to be cleared of collapsed overhang. A road was bulldozed,
(this was a story in itself - getting the bulldozer here) from the
Martin Valley fire hall, to the river. And water service was restored.
The large generator was installed at the fire hall and then we were able
to procure the small standby generator from Martin Valley fire hall.
This enabled us to put the B.C. Airlines Radio on the air, run the G.C.R.
on A.C. power, have a small bulb in the radio room, and charge a 12 volt
battery in case of further trouble. I had to go to town during the day,
but no matter what trouble Milly had, the Martin Valley Fire Department
were always on the job to help her out.
A ferry service was set up between Martin Valley and Ocean Falls, 1 and
1/2 miles by CZ/N.Pulp by boat. This was covered by the MV Myrna and MV
Harbour Chief, The men who skippered these boats did a real good job and
no matter how tired they must have been at times, were always very
cheerful and cooperative. I would say it’s the first time a lot of
people have worn life jackets, myself included. This service also
carried special grocery orders from the Hudson Bay Company and coal for
fireplaces, and was very much appreciated by the people of Martin
L.Bliss and his Boys And Girls (Johnston Terminal) These people have
outdone themselves in a lot of ways. First of all, they are one of the
lifelines of Ocean Falls (Deliveries and Garbage) and any job of hauling
you have. These boys who drive the bus have my compliments on doing a
good job on the roads we have with a big vehicle loaded with people and
Our local telephone man, Jim English, did an outstanding job by
stringing wires over the washed out parts of Burma Road and the slides
on Martin Valley Road to get 2 lines to Martin Valley one was 289-3212-
BC Airlines line to our house, and one line to a phone on his outside
front porch. This enabled us to have service to 0cean Falls and also
Long Distance emergency service to Vancouver. I would have liked you to
have seen this man stand on a pole for 4 hours as he did yesterday
afternoon, in snow and rain to restore phones in Ocean Falls slide area.
Mr. A.Walker and Steve Frew, should also come in here for mention for
restoring the A. C. power. This was a job comparable to the telephone
job mentioned above These men of the power and communications systems in
0cean Falls worked without thought for themselves and deserve a special
thanks from the people of 0cean Falls and Martin Valley. Because we
would all have to admit that our lives and comfort centre around
Electric power and the Telephone.
In the following days we set up a temporary office for B.C. Airlines in
Cpt. Frank McCarvilles room 634 in the Martin Inn. This was manned by
Frank and Rita. Milly stayed in Martin Valley on the main transmitter
and I was occupied between Martin Valley and C&F building and the hotel.
We had radio communications between these 3 points. Also the room in the
hotel was put on 3213 circuit at McCarvilfes suggestion so all phone
messages were able to be monitored. We had many outages and problems but
it worked out well. We also had small G.C, Radio in Franks room so had
radio link with him.
The C& F Radio shop and B.C. Airlines office in Ocean Fails was used
during the emergency by the R.C.M.P. as a guard house and shelter during
this period. The day following the slide the R.C.M.P. were given a key
with permission to use the building as they saw fit.
We are very pleased as to the way our premises have been taken care of,
not only by the R.C.M.P. but everyone who had occasion to go in there.
From The Millie & John Fair Collection |