Northland Prince
Taking Us To Ocean Falls

John Sharon Rob

Sharon Rob And John


Sharon Rob John

John Sharon Tom Rob


The School Play
Please Contact The
Museum If You Can Supply Names

Play Awards

Play Awards

Play Awards
Wedding Photos

My father - Hank
Goossens, who was best man at this fellows wedding.

My father on the left
- Groom on the right, middle is the maid of honor with the bride.
I am on the left with
my sister

Wedding Party Hank to
the left

Henny Goossens In The
Choir Second in On The Top Right

John, Steve Roy,
George Paszi - TheAvengers

George Paszi Steve Roy
And John Goossens In The Band

I believe these next
two pictures were on the road to Martin valley

My Dad Traveling To
The End Of Link Lake

Hunting At The End Of
Link Lake

Cabins At The End Of
Link Lake

pictures were more of the elementary school and school ground

I believe
you can see Sandy Gilchrist house where he lived.

Right there
is where the wood met the cement road. This was the most dangerous
part of the slide hill as the lip of the school ground was here too.
Not very often but a bob sled with 6 people on it could sail right
pass the school and down the next small hill. I believe is where the
liquor store was.

Leaving Port - Sea

One summer
afternoon a few friends and I were enjoying the warm sun,
tanning on the dam rocks at the the old diving/swim hole. This
all change when my friends younger brother showed up. I guess to
prove he was cool he was going to dive into the pool from the
highest point. It was a known fact that you had to find out
where the rocks in the pool were as there was a habit of them
moving when ever the gates were opened. As he dove, upon
reaching the surface of the water, he barely entered the water,
then he stopped and sort of fell over. When his head came up it
turned red. Some how he got to the edge of the pool and sat
with his finger in the hole in his head, sort of blowing red
bubbles with his mouth. His brother had to run to the pulp mill
bridge and get a person going to work to come and take his
brother to the hospital. Later I saw this guy, his head was
shaved, and sewed up like a baseball. I never forgot this event.
I believe the guy was James Prime's brother but I can not be
sure, too long ago.
