Ocean Falls Museum - Personal
Jim Bundy -
Resident ('47-'49)
My parents both moved up to Ocean Falls from the Vancouver area after
the war, Mom as a school teacher, and Dad as an electrical engineer at
the engineering office at the mill. They met there courtesy of Harry and
Ked Pack, Harry being Dad's boss and later lifelong friend. In 1947 Mom
and Dad married at Vancouver, then back to Ocean Falls. I appeared in
1948, having been born in the hospital there at Ocean Falls. I
understand that the maternity ward was a busy place during those times.
We were at Ocean Falls for about another year, before returning to
Vancouver. We then made sevral moves, to Michigan, back to Vancouver,
then to Texas for 8 years, then to the Portland Oregon area, where most
of my family still lives. I live at Kirkland Washington, near Seattle
now, but try to get up to Vancouver when I can, to visit with friends up
there. In 1985, my son, my then wife, and I travelled to Ocean Falls,
where we spent a great week. It must be in my blood, because I loved the
nice cool and cloudy weather we had. My 6 year old son caught several
trout in Link Lake, and we had a great dinner that evening.
I have quite a few phographs taken during the 1947-49 years that I'd be
happy to share, as well as ones I took in 1985.

Leonard Bundy building boat at Ocean
