First house on 3rd
street #338

C.Z. Visitor's house

The cut top of 4th, site of my house


Townhouses in decay

Judge Woods house Martin Valley

Jack Beeche's cabin Wallace Bay

Court House

Fire Hall

5th Street, Pine
Apartments were to the right.

Martin Inn

Martin Inn and Co-op

Looking past Martin Inn towards
the Mill

Martin Inn Entrance

Front Desk

Martin Inn Blue Room

Fireplace at Martin Inn

Martin Inn Bakery

First house on 3rd
street #338

Martin Inn Kitchen

Martin Inn lower floor
men's washroom across from desk.

Kitchen of a townhouse.

Mill from dam hill.

Notice Board Steam Plant

Bottom Floor of the Steam Plant

Machine Room

Steam Plant

Power House

Left to Right Rob, Paul Matthew.

Link Lake

Front Street

Front Street from Dam
