Western Pulp and Paper
April 1965 Page 2
OCEAN FALLS REPORT by Peter Marshall
Food The use of the national press, radio, public meetings, pages of
publicity, and a boycott of the local cafeteria seem to have got the
company's attention regarding the food in the cafeteria. They are
bringing in three sets of experts from Industrial Catering Equipment
Suppliers, and Industrial Caterers, to advise them on areas of
I would like to thank people like Mike Crocker, Pete Mahony, Peter
Halbig, Jock Robertson, George Nairn, Eric Day, Gunter Hogrefe and Tom
Flynn who supported the boycott and turned out for meetings.
March Meeting This meeting marked the last meeting for Brother Bill
Ungerer, who is going to Vancouver for medical treatment before his
retirement in June.
The Local's by laws were amended to try to control moonlighting.
Returning to the food issue, it is disappointing to hear of the bad
behavior towards the Local 312 members who work in the hotel by the
people complaining about the food. From reports heard the words and
actions were disgusting.
The Future of Ocean Falls Crown Zellerbach has come out with a statement
the Ocean Falls will lose its No. 3, 4 and 5 paper machines, while
obtaining a new bleach plant and groundwood. Extensive reductions in the
work force are predicted, but we are to get extensive renovations to the
townsite (a 10 year program).
Airplane Float Work has started on the new airplane float and ramp. This
will enable the aircraft to come out of the water. The new float and
ramp is being located at Martin Valley. Now we need to get the fare
reduced for the flight to Vancouver.
Miscellaneous I hear growing complaints about prices in the local
Hudson's Bay store. I also, hear that CZCL never did do anything about
the petition that was signed by the residents of Apartment Six
requesting dryer facilities. This was submitted to the townsite manager
some two years ago.