Western Pulp and Paper
February 1964 Page 11
Ocean Falls Report by Peter Marshall ... regular correspondent Gordie
Griffin is away ...
... Crown Zellerbach is once again violating one of our local
agreements. This time it was the manning agreement concerning the crew
size for the loading of the deep sea ships Rondeggen and Bessegen. The
company operated with less than the required number of men on two
successive visits by these boats over a ten day period. We now have so
many apologies from the Company for violations of local agreements, and
assurances that it will not happen again, that we are thinking of
purchasing a special filing cabinet to keep them in.
A rowdy minority created pure bedlam in the local company owned hotel
under the excuse of celebrating the arrival of New Year, as a result
there were no less than five evictions, several warnings and one
individual fined $200.00 in the local magistrate's court for throwing
beer bottles out of a hotel window ... The antics of these adult(?)
residents included slashing fire hoses, damaging fire extinguishers,
turning in a false fire alarm and smashing beer bottles in the hallways.
Partly because of the problems encountered at New Year, the company
decided that they no longer needed a night watchman to cover the hotel.
They seemed to feel he was not too effective.
The man who has been doing the job is just over 60 years of age and in
poor health. He has been a watchman for fifteen years. The company
offered him alternative employment as either a dishwasher or a houseman,
both of which jobs were beyond his capabilities. He asked for some other
type of work and was told there was nothing else available, so this
forced him into the position of reluctantly accepting early retirement;
this had been suggested to him by a company official.
The man was immediately rushed over to the Industrial Relations Office
where he signed the early retirement forms, expecting to continue at
work until February 1. He then returned to the hotel and was told that
he was finished effective immediately.
This man has twenty two years service with CZ. So anxious was the
company to get this man to accept early retirement that they violated
the Retirement Plan which states that retirement shall take place
effective the first day of any month subsequent to the date of early
retirement forms being signed. Harsh treatment for someone who has given
a quarter of his life to a company.
Housing continues to be the number one problem for many people in the
Falls. Reductions in the Townsite maintenance force resulted in a
staggering backlog of repair and renovation work.
Charging as high as $80 per month for an attic and $45 for a single room
when the total rent to the company for the whole house is only in the
$30 to $35 range seems a little unfair.
Concerning those people whose family has grown up and just the man and
wife are left with two and three bedroom accommodation. With the housing
situation as it is in the Falls, wouldn't it be fairer to have these
people relocated into one bedroom apartments?
The membership rejected the idea of Job Evaluation in the recent
referendum. 57% of the ballots cast were opposed to the idea.
The membership supported an executive recommendation that for financial
reasons we do not send a delegate to the CLC Convention in Montreal. The
money being better utilized to get shop stewards time off to attend a
training course put on by John Montage in Ocean Falls scheduled for
January. However, no plane ticket was booked for John, so the whole
thing fell through.
Congratulations and support are due to Mike Heseltine and his executive
for their efforts to put the Ocean Galls Community Film Council back on
its feet.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to hospitalized Brothers Mike Marchuk,
Pat Kennedy and Jim Reed, Sr.
Brother George Pembleton is stepping down as President of Local 360 UPP.