Newspaper Clippings
Bella Coola Courier
March 4
At Ocean Falls a busy city will shortly be brought into existence as a
result of the reorganization now being affected of the pulp and paper
making plant there which has been taken over by the Pacific Mills
Limited, a company capitalized at $9,500,000.
Arrangements are now being made for the erection of a paper mill for the
manufacture of that commodity, in addition the pulp and sawmill is to be
much improved. Before long, following upon the large expenditure of
capital contemplated in the erection of the paper mill and putting the
plant in shape as one of the best pulp and paper mills on the continent
another "White City", such as that at Powell River, where about a
thousand white workmen are steadily employed, will be established on the
northern coast.
Mr. Martin, the new managing director, has returned from San Francisco
where he was conferring with the principal owners of the company, and he
was empowered to make all preliminary arrangements for the construction
of the plants and obtaining material for manufacture, pending the
receipt of completed plans by Mr. George F. Hardy of New York, one of
the leading paper mill architects and engineers of America.
A force of men will be put at work preparing for the constructive work
while another force will be sent into the woods to cut timber in
readiness for the completion of the paper plants this fall. Several
hundred men will be employed as soon as the weather permits. Altogether,
when the plant is in operation 700 or 800 men will find employment at
OF, of this number 300 will be put at work in the woods and the balance
in the mills.
Fred Covey of South Bentink Arm fame arrived in town [Bella Coola]
Tuesday morning in the face of a strong wind. After laying in a stock of
supplies he returned to take up his work of supplying the Ocean Falls
Co. with logs.
Frank Broughton returned from Ocean Falls last week where he had been
called to investigate a case of killing game out of season. He arrested
Charles Ostrom and brought him before Mr. Gibson, justice of the peace
who found him guilty of violation of the Game Act to the tune of $75.00.
Mr. Ostrom in common with many others finds that meat comes very high in
this neck of the woods.
The matter of market will, with the resumption of business at Ocean
Falls be a thing of the past. Mr. A.B. Martin, manager says that OF will
require all the garden truck Bells Coola can raise for years to come. He
recommended that Bella Coola appoint an agent who will take the business
in hand. Mr. Martin wants to open business relations at once by having
prices submitted.
March 11
The renewed operations at Ocean Falls have had their influence on our
community [Bella Coola] already. Quite a number of the Indians have gone
to Ocean Falls as they have been assured that they can secure
handlogging contracts from the company.
Fred Hendricks has left for Ocean falls in expectation of securing
permanent work.
Frank Broughton, provincial constable on his recent visit to Ocean Falls
had his plans so well laid and evidence so conclusive in his possession
against a party for the violation of the Game Act that he felt justified
in asking J.W. Macfarlane in his capacity as justice of the peace to
accompany him. And his confidence in the strength of his case proved
justified as the magistrate imposed a fine of $50.00 on the party
March 15
The Prince Albert will handle fortnightly service to Ocean Falls, Surf
Inlet, Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands.
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