Rich & Neil On Wood Road

Rich On Wood Road

Rich & Neil With Fish

Perky was our dog. We were very sad to leave him
but circumstances prevented us taking him. Friends told us he lived a
long and happy life and was known my many in the town.

View Of Ocean Falls From Our Duplex.

Us With Mr. Bill Murray A Family Friend.

Our Boat On Link Lake

Boat House On Link Lake

The cabin I believe was owned by a family friend,
not sure if my dad had an ownership it in, but we used to go there
occasionally. It was just around the bend from town, maybe 5 or 10 miles
down the inlet.

Another View Of Ocean Falls From Our Duplex.

The Falls
This waterfall apparently was a favorite for
photos. I remember that we were trolling near it and had 6 lines go off
at once as he hit a school of salmon. It was bedlam with my mother and
father hauling in fish after fish.

More Water Falls

Arial Of Ocean Falls
Our Visit In 1998
Various views of the remnants of ocean falls. I
took the ferry up in late summer 1998 and finally got to see the town
again. it was so disappointing to find the town in such a state....very
sad. I have such good memories of my childhood spent there (even with
the rain!!!!) We weren't there long enough to have time to visit Martin
Valley. When I lived there, there was no Martin Valley. That area was
known to us as The Farm Valley. We spent a lot of time there as a
children. I remember the town cemetery was on the way.

This photo shows the point just as you round the
bend to the town. We were going out in our boat one time and couldn't
find our dog Perky. Just as we rounded this point, we heard barking and
spotted him on the bank. He had ran across the bridge, through the Mill
and all along the shore as we motored out in the bay. My dad took the
dingy attached to our boat and went over to get a very happy but tired
little dog, reunited with his family.
