Millie & John Fair Collection
There is so much more to come.
Start the Player below to hear
how John Fair would have played Cripple Creek

Millie Fair at home in Martin Valley

The Grand Opening Of C&F Radio At
The New Location

Owen and Irene Cornet with Millie
and John Fair

Store Front of C&F Radio

Work Shop Area of C&F Radio

Millie checking up on John

Shirley (Fair) Miller arrives at the B.C. AIR float dock, May

Shirley (Fair) Miller and her Father John Fair - Air Port Manager B.C.

On the steps of C&F Radio - May '63
John and Millie Fair Pose In Farwell
To Daughter Shirley Miller and Grandchildren
Susan, Bradley, Karen
Circ. 1965
My grandmother and Grandfather lived in Ocean Falls from before the time
I was born. They were by all accounts, except one, great contributors to
the town, the life, the safety of the residents, and the welcoming
committee, to those who flew into town aboard a Grumman Goose land/float
John Fair was a large man, who usually had a large cigar in his mouth.
He was the owner/operator of C&F Radio, and conducted his business first
out of the old Bank of Commerce building, and then in a new building, on
the way out of town to Martin Valley, where he lived. His wife, Millie,
My Grandmother, by his side most of the day.
John Alexander Fair
April 23, 1908 - Feb. 6, 1975
Mildred Elvira (Young) Fair
Jan.10, 1912 - Nov.19, 2007