Class Photos
These Photos are clickable to enlarge
Please contact the Museum if you can ID anyone.

Photo courtesy of Tom Goossens

Photo courtesy of Tom Goossens

Top Row From the Right:
3rd guy I think
is Norman Evanson, 6th guy I think is Bill Rodes
Second Bottom Row From
Left Girls Sitting Down:
4 girl I think is Fanny Wong
On the Bottom Row From
the Left: 2nd guy
in is Tom Goossens
Photo courtesy of Tom Goossens
Classes by Grade

Mrs. Carson Grade 1

Miss Noel Grade 2

Mrs. Hundleby Grade 3

Miss Rumball Grade 4

Miss Winchester Grade 5

Mr. Meacham Grade 7

Mr. Plaatjes Grade6
Move your mouse over
the next two photos to see the known names.

Rob is in the center
row second in on the right, grade
2 1965 / 1966
Tom Goossens

Sharon is top row
third in from the right, grade 3 1965 / 1966.
Tom Goossens Collection

Grade 9 Year 1965 / 1966
Tom Goossens

This school picture above
was 1965 / 1966
The teacher was Mr.
Thomas, I'll never forget this guy
First day of grade seven I
believe there were two grade 6's that year and somehow
all three classes got mixed into the same room. You can
believe the noise and fuss that morning. Mr. Thomas
walked in and began by calling out the names to figure
out who should be where. First name he called was
Hellgee Agremight (sp?) where is she. This guy about 6
feet tall 180 lbs stood up and said here I am. Well Mr.
Thomas threw him out and after that we were very quiet.
Mr. Thomas never spared the rod, he loved that strap. He
liked to throw caulk too, One time we were not
responding fast enough so he opened all the windows, you
could see your breathe, it was cold. Another time we
were having a substitute teacher that week, on the last
day in walked Mr. Thomas. He came in and sat down but
suddenly got up very strangely. Coarse everyone laughed
until he held up a piece of clear tape with about 5
thumb tacks that had been on the chair. He took off his
jacket and took out his strap and jumped up and strapped
the desk top. This left a white mark on the top, then
he lined up all the boys and strapped one after
another. 6 times on the left hand so as you were still
able to write for the rest of the day. Guess he did not
know I was left handed. I must confess everyone did
their home work - must have been the best year I ever
put in.

I believe there were 4
teams in total - Mohawks, Apache, and Sioux and the fourth?
Tom Goossens

Monica Pfeiffer is the
one directly front centre with the braids
