Do you see the resemblance
with the photo of George Bernard Shaw.

In this Photo there are 3
children sitting on a snow bank in front the apartments. The oldest child (me) is
Eleanor Jean Tokarski (nee Taylor) and the youngest child is my sister
Noreen Rice (nee Taylor). I do not know who the middle child is in the
picture. I was born at the hospital in O.F. in 1946 and resided in O.F.
until July 31, 1955.
I would like to know who contributed that picture to the museum as they
might have know my family. My parents' names were William Leslie Taylor
and Nellie Kathleen Taylor. My dad worked in the plant lining the
boilers and was also involved in the union as a secretary-treasurer in
the early 1950s. I have seen his name in some the news articles. He also
worked on putting in the cement roads in the flats.
We are related to the Temoin Family who live in O.F. Phil, Verna and
children Gary, Robin and Doug. Verna is my dad's cousin. Both my parents
are deceased.
If anyone knows anything about this picture, please contact the museum
and we will pass the information on to Jean.

